API Reference

The core concepts of Nudge


To understand what nudge does and how it can help you create in-app experiences, you need to understand the core concepts of nudge:

Events : Events track user actions within your app, from simple clicks to complex behaviors, providing a foundation for personalized experiences. Learn more about Events.

Users: Users are the heart of your app. Understanding their interactions and characteristics allows for tailored experiences that resonate on an individual level. Explore Users in detail.

Cohorts: Cohorts group users based on shared characteristics or behaviors, enabling targeted campaigns and insights into specific user segments. Discover more about Cohorts.

Rewards: Rewards incentivize user engagement through tokens of appreciation like coins or coupons, enhancing the overall app experience. Read about Rewards.

Pages: Pages are screenshots of your app uploaded to Nudge, serving as the canvas for creating and positioning nudges that guide user behavior. Dive into Pages.

Campaigns: Campaigns are the culmination of all key concepts, where triggers, audiences, and rewards come together to engage users in meaningful ways. Learn more about Campaigns.