API Reference

What are events? How can you track events? How to send data with your events?


Events in Nudge represent interactions between the end-users and your application. By tracking events, such as sign_up or add_to_cart, you gain insights into user behaviors and preferences. Nudge's API and SDK facilitate the tracking of these interactions across various platforms.

Tracking an event

To track an event, you can use Nudge's API or SDK. Here are examples of how to track an event across different programming environments:

await nudge.track({type:'EVENT_TYPE'});
Nudge.track("NAME_OF_EVENT", eventProperties, new Nudge.TrackCallback() {
    public void onSuccess(String response) {
        // Handle successful tracking

    public void onError(Exception e) {
        // Handle error in tracking
Nudge.track(eventType, eventProperties, object : Nudge.TrackCallback {
    override fun onSuccess(response: String) {
        // Handle successful tracking

    override fun onError(e: Exception) {
        // Handle error in tracking
await core.track(type:'EVENT_TYPE');

Event Properties

Each event can carry additional details about the interaction through event properties. These properties enrich the event data, allowing for a more nuanced targeting and analysis.

Examples include product_category, price, and other relevant information about the interaction.

You can send event properties along with your tracking call. Here's how to include event properties in different programming environments:

await nudge.track({type:'EVENT_TYPE',
                  properties: <String, dynamic>{
                  "product": "Fortune Cookies",
                  "quantity": 5,
JSONObject userProperties = new JSONObject();
userProperties.put("name","Client User 1");
userProperties.put("age", 27);
userProperties.put("gender", "M");
userProperties.put( "country","US");

nudge.initSession(apiKey: <TOKEN>, externalId:'CLIENT_IDENTIFIABLE_USER_ID',properties: userProperties);
val userProperties = JSONObject().apply {
    put("name", "Client User 1")
    put("age", 27)
    put("gender", "M")
    put("country", "US")
nudge.initSession(apiKey = "<TOKEN>", externalId = "CLIENT_IDENTIFIABLE_USER_ID", properties = userProperties)
await core.track(type:'EVENT_TYPE',
                  properties: <String, dynamic>{
                  "product": "Fortune Cookies",
                  "quantity": 5,

Find your events in the dashboard

All the events that you send to Nudge will be visible in the events section on the side bar of your dashboard